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iGEM: Bringing a world of change

News, advice, and tips for science’s future stars
iGEM: Bringing a world of change hero image

For the last eight years, Integrated DNA Technologies has proudly served as a Platinum Sponsor of the iGEM Giant Jamboree. We have provided free gene fragments, educational tools, resources, and services to teams based around the world, enabling the future stars of the synthetic biology field to focus on imagining, engineering, and testing novel devices and technologies designed to solve important local, national, and world problems.

We’ve seen iGEM teams use IDT resources to push the boundaries of scientific discovery with innovations and breakthroughs that have the potential to—quite literally—change the world. It’s why iGEM has been a popular topic here on our blog pages.

To date, we've offered news, tips, and advice, including:

When the emergence of the global pandemic forced the Giant Jamboree to shift from a festive, in-person gathering in Boston to a virtual event, iGEM teams adapted.

IDT labs are home to many iGEM alums and Giant Jamboree judges, as well. Teams often wonder what judges are looking for at the competition. One judge outlined a list of helpful tips for first-time iGEM participants.

Another IDT scientist who has served as a judge offered his thoughts on what contributes most to an iGEM team’s success. He narrowed down his advice to seven important suggestions for teams competing in 2021.

If you’re part of a team participating in the 2021 iGEM Giant Jamboree, remember to register with IDT before Oct. 1, 2021 to qualify for 20 kb of free gene fragments (or equivalent IDT product). All orders must be placed by Oct. 29, 2021.

We look forward to taking part in the iGEM Giant Jamboree again in November. Now, go out and change the world!

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